Monday, February 10, 2025

You can see the world through any set of glasses. You can see it through dark and gloomy glasses or rose-colored. What you focus on is what you'll find. Choose to see it through glasses full of love, beauty, and goodness: we are surrounded by many of these qualities if that's what you focus on. A smiling face from you as you pass by someone or even a simple hello can mean so much to others.

Brett and I like to hike Dog Mountain, a 6-mile roundtrip strenuous hike in Cook, WA. We could either choose to focus on how hard it is with its 2800 ft of strenuous butt and quad-killing hills: or we can know our efforts will be awarded by the spectacular, breathtaking views of flowers and surrounding hills at the top. The choice of perspective is yours, and it can make all the difference.

After angrily slipping and sliding in gooey mud on one hike, I encountered an older woman who changed my perspective of nature.
She had her hand on one cheek and was in awe. I saw what she was seeing; the view was of the nearby mountain. The cloud cover was hitting the hills at the right angle, with the sun beaming and the perfectly blue sky, also making the clouds a nice shade of blue. She was grinning ear to ear and said to me, "It is just stunning, isn't it?" I smiled back and replied, "It really is."

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