It's a familiar story, isn't it? The societal, parental, and cultural pressures that seem to dictate our lives. Get an education, find a job, start a family, buy a house, accumulate stuff, and keep working to pay for it all. Where's the passion? It's a script we're all too familiar with, and it's time we realized that what society expects is often a bunch of crap.
I, too, am a victim. I have attended several colleges and earned a master's degree. Oh yawn. I earned it in my 40's. I swear I got it just because I wanted a master's so I could put it on my fridge like one of my kids' pictures. Pffft. I've been married twice, have owned two houses, and raised my children. I've never known what I wanted to do, and I still don't. I know what my talents are and am working to utilize them. Unfortunately, I am not a stranger to criticism from unapologetic others who have chosen to be cruel because my lifestyle isn't the same as theirs, a touchy subject. I know I don't want an ever-increasing mortgage, a house full of crap we don't use, to freeze each year in the winter, having the same walking routes, and rarely seeing my husband. I don't want to one day have regrets that I didn't choose to have courage, the magic that makes dreams come true.
My husband has been on the work hamster wheel for most of his life. It's an ongoing cycle normalized: Work, pay bills, spend just a little time with family, and then return to work on Monday. He works hard, and what does he have to show for it? Hmmm, I'll get back to you on that. He wants to retire soon so we can travel, spend Christmas on the beach holding a margarita, and dance to his heart's content in his yard. He prefers clothing optional.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." My advice is to find a vision for your life. Take time to reflect on what truly matters to you. What are your passions, talents, and your dreams? You don't want to wake up one day and wonder what happened. What did I do with this incredible life I was gifted with? It's never too late to make a change. Start by taking small steps toward your vision, and soon, you'll find yourself living a life that's truly fulfilling.
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