Thursday, May 19, 2011

Almost swimsuit season

Like most women, I dread swimsuit season. My husband thinks and begs for me to go and buy a bikini. Uh what? I feel that just because I am training for my 2nd 50, doesn't make me qualified to wear a bikini. I've had two kids and things don't exactly go back to where they originated. Plus, my body is used to running. (See below) I don't think of it as exercise, it's training. I can't tell you the last time I exercised. A bikini? How embarrassing, I think. Okay, so I am also very self conscious. I admit. But nope, I don't have a teenagers body. I'm 36 and refuse to starve myself just to look like how I think the world portrays women in bikinis.  I may not have the body like the woman to the right, but I can hold my own. If I can just get over my embarrassment, I'll be good to go. I'll be like Sue in the latest episode of the Middle. She took forever to pick out a bikini and when she finally did, she wore a shirt at the pool, never taking it off to show off her bikini.


To prepare for swimsuit season, I started a diet about 3 weeks ago. It's the diet of quit eating when you're not hungry anymore and don't eat till your hungry. It was working really good, I lost 3 pounds in a week and a inch and a half in my waist. Well I said it was going good. I'm still kind of doing it, but come on, eating is fun! I had this candy bar that my husband just had to buy for me and it was calling my name and so I ate it, the whole thing!

A bikini? Well it doesn't hurt to go look and maybe try on a few. Ughhh! Shall be a depressing day.

Never Changing Your Workout
When you do the same thing day after day, you get very good at it. In exercise this is called the principle of adaptation. It basically means that we become very efficient by doing the same exercise over and over. This is great for sports performance, but not that great for weight lose, strength increases or physical fitness progression. If you always do the same workout for the same amount of time you will eventually hit a plateau where you fail to see any additional change. One way of overcoming this plateau is to modify your workouts every few weeks or months. You can change the type of exercise you do, the length, the amount of weight lifted or the number or reps. This is why professional athletes change their program during the off-season.

1 comment:

  1. Looking back at my post, I think it is silly. You know I did buy a bikini,I look fine in it,husband likes it.

    Do what you want. Wear what you want. Don't give in to the worlds expectations.

    Be true to yourself, love you for who you are.

    By the way, that dumb diet never did work out. I was always starving! I love to eat and I'm training for my first 100. 10/12/11~Jeannie
    Everyone is beautiful, no matter what size you are.

    Be healthy.

    Who cares.
